

It does not seem necessary at the present time to explain and prove that economic factors have a profound influence on the development, course, spread and movements of religions. Some such views have become almost axiomatic with many historians and popular writers. Among the adherants of the various religions, however, there are many who are still not convinced. At the same time those who acknowledge the importance of economic factors are far from being agreed about the relation of these to the social and ideational factors
While socialists and Communists try to relate and attribute au social and ideological, including spiritual and religious, movements to economic factors, religious leaders try to disassociate these entirely. Nevertheless, since Islam introduced itself as an inclusive and all embracing religion, taking into consideration the totality of man and his life, temporal as well as spiritual, individual as well as collective, it naturally produced some economic changes. It naturally introduced a completely different economic system of its own. It is therefore obvious that economic factors helped its spread and development although not as the only factor or even the main factors.