The News of Ahl - Albeit Virtues,Ummah’s Common Heritage


Virtue means a generous deed to which a special attention is dealt in the Holy Qura’n and tradition. To have a glance at Holy Qura’n the issues such as relationship with Holy Prophet, precedence in Islam, faith, Immigration, devotion in the way of sacred law along with knowledge are considered to be among the most important virtues. Allah’s and his Prophet’s decree is ordained to make patterns for human beings and at some time it resulted in evolutions in the society. The most groups of tradition schools consist of virtue news and among them the cases dealing with the Holy Prophet Progeny enjoys an exclusive privileges such as plenty superiority in contents, renown and fame, authenticity and popular narrations. Pondering on the history of Early Islam and contemplating over the destructive measures on Etrat and their virtues, we can conclude that in the lapse of time the Divine Providence is decreed to preserve and extend the virtues as a symbol of God’s ordain in illuminating the torch of guidance.
