An Analytical Study Of Fayz-e-Kashani’s PrinciplesIn Paraphrase of Quranic Verses


For many years, there has been the concept of inner meaning of Quran in addition to the outer one, so that, the tendency to paraphrase(Tavil) and interpretation(Tafsir) altogether, has been in the focal point of attention of this domain, s thinkers. In this field, Fayz-e-Kashani having an internal tendency to verses taken from philosophical- mystical stores from one hand and Quranical-traditional researches on the other hand. His traditional interpretation has formed on inner paraphrase of verses. To paraphrase, he looks beyond the context of words i.e actual meaning, spirits, and interiors of words. Fayz-e-kashani,s paraphrases from different aspects including; meaning and truth of paraphrase; different kinds of it and his principles in using such paraphrases is in the focus. Paraphrases of Fayz-e-kashani from verses about Ahl-al-bait (the family of prophet), have been criticized. So they consider them as conclusions far from mind and unconformed with the style of verses and their occasions of descent. To express and evaluate such paraphrases, need an analytical study of his point of views and principles in this field.
