Elements of Jarreh prepositions and their influenceon The interpretations of The Holy Qura’n


Due to specific state among prepositions, Jarreh prepositions, for their meanings, require some kind of relationship with two other terms. This feature is referred to as "Ta?logh-e-Horuf-e-Jar" by grammarians. Considering this, the criterion of the lack of requirement of those Jar prepositions which are applied redundantly, or probably in other meanings, as well as the application of some of these prepositions in other cases Than prepositions (e.g. as nouns) can be explained. In most cases, assigning "Mota?lagh" happens easily; however, sometimes applying Jar prepositions and smoothly. In the discourse enjoys an unusual atate. In such cases, rational and traditional (or narrative) evidences, and probably context and so on, help the commentator in determining Ta?logh. Realizing and determining the Mota?lagh of These prepositions is influential in the correct comprehension of the meaning and sometimes the phrase can be recited in several ways, according to various mota?laghat.
