

A great number of Shia and Sunni traditions show that Imam Ali (PBUH) was the first compiler of holy Qura'n after Prophet's death. In spite of that, there are some doubts about it. The first doubt comes back to the purpose of Sunni's traditions, because they related it to account for why Imam Ali didn't swear allegiance to the first Caliph, therefore these traditions are unreliable. The other doubt comes back to the meaning of Qura'n gathering -jame Qura'n-, it means the memorization of the Qura'n not its writing. The first doubt isn't correct because it is found only in Ibn-Sirin traditions but his traditions aren't continues-mosnad- and it disagrees with other Qura'n gathering traditions. The second doubt disagrees with the purpose of Qura'n gathering that is related by Imam Ali and also is incompatible with the traditions that show Imam Ali's collection was an a text. Therefore these two doubts aren't reliable
