

The word "zann"(conjecture) is frequently used in the holy Qura'n It is used in the theological and ethical issues. For instance, the Qura'n characterizes "khashi'in" as "those who surmise they will meet their Lord, and that they will return to him", while as the Qura'n elsewhere asserts that the unbelievers rely on their conjectures in their beliefs. Likewise, it says: "the conjecture will not help out in any way against the Truth." Hence, almost all commentators hold that this word has two different meanings: 1. doubt; 2. certainty. The author examines first, three exegetical meanings dealing with the meaning of "zann" in the Qura'n and fortifies Raghib's perspective in this respect. Then he classifies all occurrences of the term in the Qura'n. Finally, he explains the logical relationship between this term and the terms such as "yaqin", "shakk", "hesban", "jahl" and "za'm".
