

The problem of ideas is one o the most important subjects in ontology. Its origin comes back to pre – Socratic thinking. But he was Plato that for the first time and ontological viewpoint. This approach is a deeply scientific one and is the foundation of Plato’s philosophy. Even though, until now the subject of ideas has remained as a complex problem of Divine theology. Every one has his commentary about it. Meanwhile, Muslim philosophers have presented a specific view about it. Sadra also had deep consideration about this subject. He claimed that his interpretation is the best one. He believes that for understanding the ideas, we should recognize it. Intuitively. Sadra thinks this is the main themes of Plato’s intention but Sadra also have some argument for justifying the ideas. We believe that Sadra’s interpretation of platonic ideas is an authentic interpretation but some elements of Sadra’s philosophy such as Islamic mysticism cause that he can’t solve the problem of ideas. We hold that the problem of ideas has some kind of mystical foundation and it is very difficult to be solved in philosophical sphere.
