

The Present article entitled "Reason and love expressed by Plato and Molavi" is in fact a research on the view points of these two outstanding sages of East and West. Molavi takes into consideration "love" respectfully and regards it the only way to escape from mundane world and attaining the real Divine Love. Furtuer more, he also respects reason and intellectuality and thought as other Divine Blessings, if they are to be in the direction of human perfection and spiritual prosperity. He considers that man’s perfection, the knowledge of God and His attributes, can be attained through the very reason. Similarly Plato holds that the beauty is only thing that deserves our love and admiration. He declares that man can attain the perfect knowledge and gnosis merely by pursuing the path of intuition and purification. In Plato’s opinion, man’s perfection and ultimate goal is to attain the Truth and His observation. The reality of knowledge lies in this principle. Having not attained this position, one has not achieved the perfection of knowledge.
