

“Principle” means the base and foundation of everything. In science of as well “Principles” refer to grounds, foundations and basic elements comprising each science without which it would be incomplete. Due to their multiplicity, in each discipline they are applied in plural form, for instance, “the principles of Tafsir” or “the principles of Elmal - Hadith” and so on. The apprehension of Hadith as well has several principles and foundations without which comprehending hadith would not occur. These principles are the very “pre-known”- and not presuppositions – which mostly are rooted in other sciences. The apprehension of hadith has four groups of principles: “ common principles” of text apprehension, which is essential and effective for comprehension of any text including hadith; “ specific principles of revealed texts ” such as genuine hadith or “ certain tradition ”; “ doctrinal principles” and “ intellectual principles ” of hadith apprehension. These principles could be different from “personal principles”
