

"Esalat al-wujud" and "Ja’l al-wujud" are two philosophical arguments that have a very closely relation with each other and there is coherency in their annals too. In spite of this dependence and relation, which has been claimed and demonstrated as the two-side consequence in this paper, Muslim philosophers have proposed this two problems separately. Some theosophists like "Heydaji" and "Mohammad Taqi Amoli", have mentioned aspects in justification of this separation and some contemporary theosophists have followed them too. But Motahhari, who is one of the contemporaries, is opponent this idea in his book (detailed commentary of Manzumah) and believes that by affirming of "Esalat al-wujud", there remains no need to demonstrating of "Ja’l al-wujud". In this paper, alongside completing the Motahhari’s viewpoint and demonstrating the two-side consequence between these two problems, other theosophist’s justifications on separation of these two are criticized.
