

The matter of intellect, its significance, essence and function in human being and its position in man’s knowledge is the most important subjects in philosophy. Greek philosophy reached to the Islamic world through schools such as Jondishapoor and caused agreement and oppositional views in Islamic world. Sufis must be known as opponents and criticizers of philosophical intellect. Their critiques grew up among mystical texts, prose or verse, especially from 5th and 6th century A.H. It seems that Sufis at the beginning of Islam such as Mohasebi and Ahmad-Ibn- Abel Havari had not true concept of intellect. Zonnoon; between intellect and duty, believed on necessity and Mostamli Bokhari believed on intellect as a tool of science. The other Sufis accepted intellect as distinguished element on ethical realm but the majority of them knew intellect as a servitude and the contrariety between intellect and love that has been seen among Sufis sayings in next centuries till 5th century A.H. is not noticeable
