

Ali b.Hussain al-Mas'udi is the outstanding historian and geographer of the fourth century (A.H.). Many books are ascribed to him, of them only
"Muruj al-Zahab and Ma'adin al-Jawhar" and "al-Tanbih wa'l-Ishraf ” exist. The present article giving an account of Mus'udi's life and works, introduces his
brilliant work,i.e. "al- Tanbih wa'l-Ishraf". The sources and refernces of this
book and the author's initiatives are presented, as well Terminology, nomenclatures, analysis of natural phenomena, presenting the medical ideas
of the age, and customs of different nations, people, and various sects, as well as, different areas, and criticizing the scholar's ideas and thier sources are
some of initiatives in "al-Tanbih".
