

Norouz flower written by Ahmad kassani (d.949 A.H.)is a mystical treatise
Concerning the hadith which says ,"Do not let the cold of spring escape..." containing a good number of the Quranic verses, hadiths, and poetry in a
didactic style.

Using such a style in a symbolic language with such metaphorical expressions as seed of passion, ground of heart, flowers of observations, fruits of intuitions,
wine of passion, cup of speech, and taverns of unity has increased its elegance, albeit despite its simple prose writing, the phrasing of plenty of long
parenthetical sentences has complicated its prose sometimes.
Kassani seems to be bold in choosing subjects while expounding concepts and
using same sentences and phrases frequently in his treatises. Presenting a mystical- symbolic commentory of the mentioned hadith while explaining
meaning of wind of spring and cold of fall, kassani teaches subtle states of sufi path while givin mystical advice and defining such mystical expressions as
pain ,love, and annihilation. Position of intoxication, Passion ,and amorous ecstacy in kassani" s sufi Path, his special method in training, and his pantheistic
inclination is quite evident from the lines of this treatise.
Norouz flower also contains some remarkable social points. Kasani, in this
article, has explicitly described ubaid - allah - khan's belief in Naqshban diyah way ,as well as, the significant position and role of the kings in ensuring
survival and continuity and propagation of the mystic path.