

Marriage age has been an object of transformation in Iranian Laws. Before being amended, article 1401 of civil code treated such age as 15 for girls and
as 18 for boys while decreasing it to 13 and 15 respectively when peudent. Family Protection Act approved in 1353 S.A.H. prohibited marriage for girls
before the age of 18 and for boys before the age of 20. Amendments in 1361 S.A.H. changed the case again. Considered contradictory to the jurisprudence,
article 1401 of civil code was amended prohibiting marriage before maturity while treating marriage before maturity as correct with the permission of the
minor's guardians. The present situation of civil code is of criticism from legal, socialogical viewpoints while is full contradicton to national laws of
advanced countries and international criteria. Thus, its critical evalution with
a suggestion for its amendnent is necessary.
