

Accepting the holy Quran and tradition as the rules of life, one should find the answers to the unanswered or briefly and obscurely answered issues. we all
believe that Ijtehad, which has been practiced for more than a thousand years in Islamic jurisprudence is the final solution.
The question is whether the solutions raised by the past jurists concerning economy, policy, and jurisdiction are totally practice able; if not, what is the
way out? Is our revelation - oriented Jurisprudence capable of becoming

updated? if so, how is it that we are confronted with so many unanswered questions? If it is accepted that the jurisprudential sources are capable of
answering the new and increasing problems of the society, the fault should be searched for in the way of deduction(Ijtehad).Is it Possible to claim that the
present organized institution of Ijtehad is in need of reformation in method? If so, how?
