

the difference in the Quranic recitation was among those issues which, while drawing the attention of scientists of Quranic. recitation and exegesis to itself,
caused some difference in ideas.
Having influenced The Quranic Scientists and reciters for centuries as an undeniable fact, The difference in the Quranic recitation created some works
and schools which arc still, influential. That phenomenon, however, has not
been of one nature in all epochs; rather, some Specific causes have justified difference in the Quranic recitation in any cer1lain epoch. How far different
recitations have been connected to the Quranic reality and what criterion has preferred one recitation to the other is another point which seem to be of
specific motion and identity in parallel with historical disputes of reciters, grammarians, theologians, jurists, exegesists, etc, which would be discussed in
this essay after difference in Quuranic recitations in different epochs has been studied.
