

The origination and essence of religion have always been deliberated by
the philosophers, theologians, and other thinkers. This deliberation, particularly in the J 9th and 20th centuries, has led to different ideas such as

those of German theologians like Rudolf Otto. Contrary to Frued and Durkheim Who figure the essence of religion in society and Mental ¬
weakeness, and unlike Kant and Schleiermacher who consider it in ethics and
the feeling of trust, Otto finds the essence of religion in Numinous. He
considers awe and ecstasy as the two main characteristics of Numinous.
Hence, it could be called "The tremendous mystery" since it frightens us, and "The very attractive", since it attracts us to itself. Introducing it as an
individual experience, Otto considers this experience something unteachable that should rise from inside of the human begin
