

The author has tried to show the influence of Theological views ( relating to unity of God) on the interpretation of verses in which such concepts as
" Hand" , " throne" and the like appear. First, he divides the interpretors into two groups: the Assimilators ( Mushabbihites ) and those who deny any carnal attributes to God. Among the first group, he considers some to be believers in mere Persionification and incarnation of God and others, who give the attributes of creatures to God, to be " exoteric" . The second
group, he also divides into two orders: one he considers of those

who resort, as much as possible, to exegesis and, if unable to reach a conclusion, say that the knowledge of the Matter remains with God; and the other of those who go directly to exegesis of such versers and also eschatological verses.
The solution of these differences, the author concludes, lies only in referring to Quran itself and to the Traditions of the" Innocents".