

In the sacred books of Vedas, and noticeably in Rigveda we find the
primitive form of Hinduism. The religious system of vedas since its
formation up to later periods of Hinduism, that is the Brahmanas, and
Upanisads period, marks the development of the religious thought of Vedas composers. The experts of indian history and the religious
scholars have different points of viwe regarding the primitive form of
religion presented in the Vedas. some regard the pure monotheism as the primitive and definite form of the Vedas. The others consider
Henotheism as the real and total form of the Vedas. While a few
scholars consider politheism as the mere form of the Vedic religious
thoght. This article asserts that the Vedas don't persent a unique form
of religious thought and they have developed repeatedly from the
begining up to Brahmanas period. AU the three religious forms noted

previously, along with a primitive form of the thought of unity of existence is found in the Vedic religious system. The Vedic eschatology, demonolgy, and mythology of creation and the other matters discussed
briefly in this article.
