

The Ibadiyya, is one of the Islamic sects which during 1300 years life was closely interested in historiography, in spit of the fact that there is a serious shortage about this feature of Ibadiyya cultural life in orintalistic
studies. In the proposed article, dealing with a brief presentation of the process of ibadi historiography, had been aimed more to attract the
attention of researchers in the field of the history of islamic culture and civilization to a little-known part of historical heritage. Ibadi historical

literature is valuable for the general studies in islamic history, as well as the studies about the history of the sect itself; general studies such as
those about Arabic Peninsula and Irag area, and extent in North and East Africa, and even some parts of Iran as Khorasan and Persian Gulf
islands. Regarding the fact that an extended study about the ibadi historiography needs a vast area, in this article has been tried to propose
a manner for classification of ibadi historical literature and its presentation consisting on historical periods and compilation methods.
Also, since the limited existing essays on the ibadi historical bibliography is related to the West, concerning the bibliography the article deals
more with the literature of the East.
