

Kharijites are considered as an intluential force in the movements of the Islamic world in the early centuries. Due to different political religious resons, they appeard in the first half of the first century. They

afterwards, transformed into various branches and scattered in differert parts of the Islamic domain, and found some followers among non-Arabs. Backed by these new forces, they maintained their military
visage for three centuries and organized several uprisings against Umayyad-Abbasid caliphs. Despite their constant attempts in shaking The foundations of these dynasties, they were never considered as
alternatives to Umayyad or Abbasid caliphates.
Among places which became a perpetual center of Kharijites was
Great Sistan, The south-eastern part of Iran. Besides describing some general characteristics Karijites, this article deals with the process of
their influence and their settlment in Iran, and discusses some of its
