

Although Aba Hayyan at-Tawhlrn lived in 4th century Basra, which
was the center of conflict among different religions, idealogies, and believers, he was a free and independent thinker devoid of religious prejudice. That absence of prejudice may have originated from the impression of his master's thoughts (Solayman al-MantiqI), his friendship with the Ikwan a_- Safa, and, in part, his inclination towards asceticism and sufism. But some of his works exceed the bounds of lack
of religious prejudice and negligence, and show an adherence to pluralistic religious beliefs. Therefore, any comment on the story of "The Blind Men's Understanding of the Elephant" in al- Moqabasat as a text written by Tawhlrn will not be complete without paying attention to his intention, which can be revealed through studying his historical personality. We can finally come to the conclusion that he was not devoid of inclinations towards religious pluralism.