

Commentators have divergent ideas about the implications of the
verse (2:106) which is known as the Abrogation verse. The different meaning considered for the three terms nas_ (abrogation), a-ya (verse) and 'insa' (cause to be forgotten) have been regarded as the source of different opinions in this field. Most of the meanings referred to by the commentators seem incorrect because they ignore the context of the verse or/and the coherence of its different parts. Perhaps by taking the meaning of nas_ as abrogation or abolishment, aya as decree or command, and nunsi as a reason to be removed from the Qu'ra-n, the
minds, and the narrations, and by applying the technique of istikdam (a figure of speech) we can have a clearer idea of its true meaning. Thus the epitomic meaning of the verse will be "Whatever decree We abrogate or cause to be removed from the Qur'an or from the minds, We bring one better than it or like it to provide waht is best for the people." This article is presented in three parts: the cause of the revelation of this verse, a critical study of the commentator's differences of opinion, and the final wrapping up.