

This article is a survey of Augustin's system of thought in the field of epistemology. In his point of view the possibility of gaining Knowledge by
man in the field of epistemology, is his main problem. The means of getting knowledge differs with regards to man's object of knowledge. Natural and
substantial affairs are concieved by sense and reason. our knowledge in this filed is a relative one. Another part of man's knowledge is derived from
enlightenment. That enlightenmemt which is influented on man by Divine light. Enlightenment causes man's direct contact with the matters that are not
gained through sense and reason. This kind of knowledge is individual despite of possiblity of being certain and doubtless.
Revelation completes another part of man's epistemologic system of thought. Man discovers the aims of God in creation through Him by
revelation. This knowledge is absolutIy authoritative and we accept it as a certain knowledge.
