

Interpretation is one of the important issues in the understanding of religious texts. Some of the basic questions in this regard are as following:
How does an understanding of religious texts such as the Quran or other narratives come about? what is the role of conventional knowledge and

16 /Abstracts
ordinary language in this understanding? How about the role of reason and theoretical reason in this regard? How effective are the intnitine and gnostic
methods in this case? and so on. The answers of MolIa Sadra-to the above
guestions has resulted in a special system of interpretation which is the focus of the present study. MalIa S-adra after, criticizing the prevalent approaches
on the commentary and interpretation of relgious texts, offers and explains his own approach which has some to be known as the method of "Those firmly
grounded in knowledge". The gift of his approach is a kind of congruent conformity between different branches of human knowledge such as sensory,
intellctual and gnostic findings which together provide a suitable ground for the interpretation of religious texts.
