

one of the crucial issues in Islam, especially from the point of view of jurisprudence and political thought, is the governmental injunctions, a better
understanding of which would undoubtedly enhance the quality of the inferences of religious laws by jurisprudents and also would clarify some of
the inherent traditional complexities.
The author of the present article after giving an operational definition of
the primary and secondary injunctions, studies the nature of the governmental injunctions in some detail and in so doing also tries to shed some light on the
fact that whether they are of the primary or secondary type of injunctions. In
order to clarify the issue at hand, the writer makes frequent use of the Quranic verses and also the pertinent traditions.
Next, the view points of late Imam Khomeini are taken up in this regard, and it is argued that according to him governmental injunctions belong to the
primary and transient kind, and in case of contradiction with other subsidiary injunctions or other jurisprudents'religious opinions (Fatwal the priority
should be given to the governmental injunctions.
