

Sayyed Muhammad b. Fallah b. Hebatullah (d. 870 H.) one of the disciples
of Shaykh Ahmad b. Fahd Belli (d. 841 H) leading a rebellion in south

eastern Iraq and Khusestan established Musha'ashaiyan, an independent shi'i
rule. His theories and viewpoints in study of this period are very important.
Sayyed Muhammad's viewpoint concerning Mahdawiyyat, on which there are
many questions, is discussed in this article. Our knowledge about this theory
comes from two sources: The orginal non-Musha'ashai sources which
represent his claim to be the promised Mahdi, and his only remained work i.e.
Kalam al-Mahdi, in which he introduces himself as the deputy of the Imam.
The difference between these two sources is discussed in this article
