

Hermeneutics is an old method in interpreting sacred texts which its
origins go back to Greeks and the epics of the Iliad and the Odyssey and,
thereafter, to the followers of Philo and interpretations of Avesta (Zandics).
Among Muslims, this method was first used in the interpretation of
Detached Letters; then, in its highest point, various sects such as Mu'tazilits,
Batinis, Brethren of Purity, Philosophers, literalists, and gnostics began to
interpret the Quran and Hadith (tradition).
In gnosticism, ascending from word meaning and from expression to
indication is called hermeneutics having the human being as its basis. This
human being obtains an gradual understanding of facts through changing and
existential growth.
Rumi in Mathnavi which is considered a mystical interpretion, resoqs
repeatedly to hermeneutcs; his method is that of reconciling between the
apparent and the hidden. He uses the words in their actual meaning; this, of
course, is not possible but through intuition and internal witnessing. In
Mathnavi, Rumi, through presenting different allegories, pictures this sense of
hermeneutcs which is numerous, various and pleasant.
