

Permanent archetypes are one of the key terms in theosophical system of
Ibn Arabi. The Idea has some similar samples in the past schools. This term is establishid by Ibn Arabi himself. Mystics and philosophers, following him,
used this term in issues such as "knowledge of God", "emanation of God", and "creation". Mulla Sadra, The inventor of transcendent theosophy, in some
parts of his brilliat work, al- Asfar al- Araba'a, admiring Ibn Arabi, uses this term and approves his own theory, while in some other parts raising
similarties between this term and pre-eternal Stationaries of mu'atazilites disapproves and justifies it. This article is an attempt to clarify the idea of
"permanet archetypes" in theosophical system of Ibn Arabi and transcendent theosophy of Mulla Sadra, taking into consideration "the pre-creation divine
knownledge" to the extent possible.
