

Ibn Abil Hadid's commentary is one of the well - known commentaries upon Nahj 01 - Balagh(/h. Its literal and historical approach distinguishes it from others. Apart from his ordinary
commentary Ibn Abil Hadid tries to prove the originality of Nahj 01 -Balaghah through rhetoric and theological methods. Through
affirmative attitude towards the originality of N(/hj 01 - Bolaghah and proving the superiority of Imam 'Ali's words to the words of importand Arab speakers. analysis of Imam 'Ali's words by literary rules. in a sense with reference to the unity of style and method in Nahj 01 - B(/Iaglwh
believing in the succession of some parts of this book. posing those objections that were risen against Noh} (/1 - Balaghah and giving answere
to them. Ibn Abil Hadid tried to in this way to prove the originality of Nahj (/1 - Balaghah. This article covers the main steps taken by Ibn Abil Hadid in this regard.
