

Comparative study is a ray in underestanding the ideas of two
different and efl"ective exegeses in the history of the sciences of ka/(Iln and wI,'ir (exegesis). Zamakhshari in his al-kashshaf and Fakhr Razi in his al-ta.f_'ir al- kahir despite their differences held that they can attain the knowledge of God Through rational demonstration. and apart from those proofs they proposed other proofs of the Ouran. Both of them applied the proofs of Farah (primordial nature) and origination in bodies and attributes. But Razi apart from these proofs employed
philosophical proofs such as necessity and possibility. possibility of essences and accidents and other proofs composed of possibility and origination of essences and accidents. Nevertheless. such dilTerenes of view is explicable with regard to their mcthodological principles.
Zamakhshari is a thcologian who has no favourable attitude toward philosophical method and considers it as absurd. Therefore his attitude
is theological in nature. While Razi is a theologian who was effected hy philosophy. and as a result apart from theological proofs he proposed philosophical proofs as well. Therefore there is a variety of proofs for God's existence in {"-Ta.f_'ir al- Kahir.
