

possess power and were no more than puppets, the kings and local rulers
through some symbolic actions showed their loyality to caliphate system to
strengthen their rule and obtain legitemacy.
The caliphs' approvement of the independent rules was so important that
its necessity existed after the fall of Abbassid Caliphate and murder of the
Caliph by Hulaku. The Egyption Abbassid Caliphate which after a three-year
interval was established by the Egyption Mamaluk kings, was supposed to
meet this need. The present article surveys the structure of Egyption Abbassid
Caliphate, the relations between the caliphs and Mamaluk kings, as well as
the relations between Egyption Caliphate and the rules of the other Muslim
lands such as Iran, India, and the two sacred Sanctuaries.
