

The Islamic State under certain circumstances is authorised to conclude
covenants of protection with the followers of the abrogated revealed religions,
i.e. People of the Book (Jews and Christians) if they are permanantly setteled
in the realm of Islamic state, and under the condition that they do not preach
their religion. The present article studies the history of preaching Christianity
in Islamic territories-not withstanding that this is a breach of one of the most
important regulations in Islamic international relations. After reviwing the
relevant legal principles, the word "padori" as a general title used in Iran and
India for the Christian missionaries in Dar aI-Islam (Muslim territory) is
linguistically and literally traced back to European languages. Then the history
of Preaching Christianity in Muslim territory, in general, and in Iran, in
particular is studied afterwards. The religious deba tes between the Christian
and non-Christian theologians, as well as the rebuttals of Muslim scholars
against Padories are studied with emphasis on the padories: activities in the
Safavid era.
