

Sayyed -e- sanad Sadr aI-Din Dashtaki is among the sada"l of Dashtaki
Family who is descended from Zayd b.Ali b. Hussain with some twenty
intermediates. Enjoying a critical mind he studied tradition and theology
under his father Ghiyath aI-Din Mansur. His chain of narration in theology
goes back to Imam Muhammad Ghazzali, Imam Fakhr Razi and Allame Helli,
and in logic and philosophy to1 lived during the ruling of Hassan Bayg and ya'gub Mirza. As a wealthy man he
bought 2000 meters a of Dashtak lands to build the large school of Mansuriya.
Raising new viewpoints, his scholarly method was mostly to write
commentaries and annotation with innovation and original contributions of
his own. His name resembeling Sadr aI-Din Muhammad Shirazi (Mull a Sadra)
has caused the mistaken attribution of some of his books such as lthbal al-Wajib to Mulla Sadra.
