

Market supervision organization has been one of the divisions of the judiciary structure of the muslim government. The main duty of this organization, headed by an inspector, was the control and supervision of the market and marketeers’ affairs. Their duties rapidly expanded in the 3 rd centary A.H. it not only included the supervision of health care, transportation, and civil costruction, but also the social and legal behaviour and manners of citizens.
All muslim writers trace the origin of this institution back to the canonically obligatory command of encoaraye the good and forbid evil. They believed that the appearance of this organization in later periods is in fact the institutionalized form of this religious command. The writer of the present essay studies the historical clues of this organization from the early foundation of Islamic government in al-madina to the later periods. He also points out that the appearance of this organization.
With its administrative divisions, was prior to the Abbasid cra.