

Independent judgement which is available to every capable Muslim is the cause of motivation. One who is capable and holds the necessary requirements can do it. The general rules of religion are in harmony with law as well. Knowledge of these rules is necessary for comprehending the prophetic law and legal obligations. The jurists hold their own schools according to their methods of deduction. Their style of applying jurisprudential principles, and their methods of study are discussed here.
The present article surveys the creation of a jurisprudential school, as well as its causes such as holding a particular jurisprudential method, creating evolution in principles, establishing some principles, in addition to historical changes, gradual evolution of independent judgement, the influence of modern sciences, social reforms and its requirements, different conditions, and individual jurists’ genius. The consequences of the creation of a new school is discussed in the end. Consequences such an independent view and avoiding imitation, influencing the other jurists, evolution of Ijtihad, variety of verdicts, evolution in jurisprudential principles and rules.