

Following verse of the Quran constitutes the main reason for proving the rule of the negation of the way: “and never will God grant to the unbelievers a way (to triumph) over the beliveres,” (4:141). This verse contains in itself three theories of attending to the Hereafter. Infering “proof and demonstration”. This verse non-delimitately is applicable to the third theory and it is acceptable to take recourse to the verse. Concerning the incharge of executing this rule, it should be kept in mind that this discussion is referential rather than judgemental or thematic and this view require an common sense can not be authority in this regard. Reason as an independent source is a way of including the rule. Time and place and their effect on cultural differences are important in determining the extension of the rule. The reason for negation the way governs the proof and primary precepts governs and there is no conflict among them. But this rule due to many elements can be particularized.
