

Husserl proposed phenomenological method for analyzing our knowledge of philosophical issues. This method has been welcomed in many epistemic areas. In this paper, after some explanation of four stages of Husserlian phenomenological method, we comprise it with Motahhari’s philosophical analysis of ethics. It is shown that negation of Platonic ideas and Aristotelian categories in ethical concepts in Motahhari’s viewpoints can he comprised with Husserl view of epoche. The view of Motahhari as inventionality of ethical expressions is comprised with Husserlian reduction of consciousness phenomena and also Motahhari’s analysis of ethical expressions as superior “ego’ is comprised with ideation of elements of consciousness in Husserl view’s, and, at the end, analysis of comprehensiveness, durability and absoluteness of ethical expressions as common-ness of human beings in superior "ego" in Motahhari’s view can he comprised with objectivity of consciousness phenomena in the light of intersubjectivity in Husserlian phenomenology.
