

Mohammad Taqi Bahar(1265-1330 S.AR.), known as malekoshshoara (king of poets), is int1uenced by content and diction of the Holy Quran in his works especially his early poems. In his poems, he benefits from Ouranic verses and concepts in seven ways. Adapting Ouranic concepts without using the word; using one Ouranic word, or a part of a verse, in order to convey concept of the verse; applying Ouranic special terms and expressions instead of Farsi words; narrating a whole verse in order to convey the term and the meaning; changing verses slightly in order to make them appropriate to the rhyme of the poem, and using allusive references are those seven ways. Verses found in his Divan are mostly of doctrinal and moral concepts. In the allusion to prophets, application of verses often appears in description of usual affairs of life and mostly in the form of analob'Y and symbolism. Transformations of thought in his life gradually directs him from religious, Ouranic thoughts to patriotism, struggle against despotism, and modernity in such a way that the intluence of the Ouran in his poems is reduced and they are employed in the description of life affairs.
