

One very significant, valuable discussion in the philosophy of language is to expound the verbal communication. Based on that, two questions are raised concerning revealed communication of God and prophet. First, what is the revealed communication unit of God and prophet? And second, how is the revealed communication expounded on the basis of the said unit? Responding perspectives are of two groups: one can be called linguistic theories and the other non-linguistic theories. Non-linguistic theories have considered the revealed communication unit a kind of specific language with no lexemic aspect which is expounded through several theories whose common point is being non-linguistic. They have treated God's speaking through words as
being figurative. Linguistic theories expound revealed communication unit with an emphasis upon natural and customary language; they treat revealed communication unit as reality of words and expound it through various theories whose common point is being linguistic. The present essay intends to survey those two questions on the basis of Quranic verses and to discover the Quranic theory concerning the subject in question: The most significant discovery of this research.
