

No books in the world have been interpreted as much as revealed books. Among those hooks, the Quran enjoys a special place. According to certain bibliographical studies, there are more than three thousands commentaries on the history of Islam. The variety and differences of interpretation in various periods signifies the continuos need for the interpretation of this divine hook. Owing to the fact that the Qur’an has introduced itself as mubayyin or bayan (manifest), a question may born in mind as to why we are in need of an interpretation of the Quran? Unlike the views of certain scholars who hold that the need for an interpretation of the Quran is accidental, the author of this article is of the view that the need for an interpretation of the Quran is both accidental and essential. The essential need for the Quran is rooted in certain characteristics of the Quran, such as synoptic nature of judgements in this book, ambiguous verses, and the various meanings and inner beings of the Quranic verses.
There is no inconsistency between the self - manifest nature of the Quran and its need for interpretation
