

Nasr Hamid Abu Zayd , the contemporary Egyptian thinker, has studied and interpreted the Quran from a new perspective This article is an attempt to study his attidude to justice in the Quran .
Before going on to study the Quranic verses on justice, AbuZayd tried to give an answer to certain accusations levelled against Islam and the Quran . He referred to the relationship of man’s divine nature to justice and the contemporary challenges of the world of Islam, such as relationship with religious minorities and non - Muslims. the issues of heresy, holy war, killing unbelievers, the poll - tax, the rights of women, and polygamy in Islam. He tried to answer all these questions with reference to Quranic verses. He also made clear the issue of justice in the Quran. Moreover, with reference to economic justice in the Quran, he studied the two important issues of usury (riba) and alms tax (zakat) as well.
