

Since the Quran is a hook that has been revealed in the language of the Arab people living in the era of the prophet of Islam, and was first adressed to them, it is thus essential to understand and interpret it in the context of the same era so as to understand and interpret its verses correctly and exactly. ‘Alaq is a Sura that has been interpreted differently and unclearly for along time buause of’ its out - of - era intepretation. Presenting historical evidence and relying on linguistic rules, this article intends to interpret it comprehensively and clearly. The conclusion: ‘Alag was revealed as a whole and at a time long after the beginning of the prophecy of’ the holy Prophet, and that the S?ra is all about Ab?jahl’s disturbances while the prophet was praying beside the K’aba The Surat al - ‘Alag was revealed to the Prophet asked him continue his praying beside the K’aha, while threatening Ab?lahl to cease the disturbances. Otherwise, God would punish him (Abujahl)
