

The Holy Quran. as the miracle of the prophet of Islam, is the product of revelation. The word “revelation’ has different meanings in the Quran. one of which pertains to the revelations of the prophets. The revelations of the prophets occur in different forms, hut as far as material and empirical laws arc concerned, their mechanism is unknown. Owing to the spiritual dimension of man, revelation and its effects on man’s life is undeniable. Revelation is not the product of individual genius or the esoteric knowledge of a gnostic.If it was so, then it was within the domain of man’s power. According to the Quranic verses revelation was not in the hands of the prophets. That is, they were under the influence of revelation, and awaited it as well. A thorough study of riw?y?t (sayings) from Shi ‘i and Sunni sources concerning the revelation of the Prophet confirms this viewpoint. Accordingly. revelation will take place only by God.
