

Challenge of the mystic with philosopher is one form of opposition to philosophy. Philosophy is attacked throughout history through three regions of religious dogmatists, anti-religious emperisists, and devoted mystics with different intentions. Among most fascinating discussions in the history of human thought is the dispute between thought and intuition, reason and love, and knowledge and insight. Mystics are pessimistic of power of reason in the perception of problems of metaphysics and anti-rationality is observed in works of their majority. In such works, reason is put in opposition to three affairs: heart, love, and perplexity. Intellectuality and recommending impotence and perplexity is the central element of disagreement between mysticism and philosophy. Mystic is enamored of perplexity but philosopher is anti-perplexity. Perplexity primarily seems to he in contradiction to such categories as knowledge, guidance, faith, and belief. the nature of perplexity and
expounding its proportion to the said categories is the main object of this research.
