

Abstraction of the soul is among major discussions in the Islamic philosophy which is paid less attention to by Islamic theologians. Philosophers defend this theory while most of theologians are against it. Some proofs for abstraction of the soul are presented in the prepeatutic philosophy which are reflected in the works of two distinguished theologians who criticized that school. Those two thinkers have adapted the position of philosophers in some of their works while going closer to that of theologians in some other. The said proofs, however, are not at same position in terms of strength and weakness. Some of them, such as the demonstration on the basis of simplicity of perceptions, is very strong while some others are refutable. Besides, critiques of al-Gazzali and al-Razi of those proofs arc not void of some problems. Having referred briet1y to ideas of al-Gazzali and al-Razi, their proofs concerning refutation or affirmation of abstraction of the soul is surveyed and criticized in this article.
