

Ontology is considered a branch of philosophy, but the way a mystic looks at the being is different from that of a philosopher. While expounding mystical consideration of existence, perspectives of two outstanding Muslim mystics, Ibn al-Arabi and Abd ai-Karim al-Jili, concerning knowledge of existence is discussed in this research. Abd ai-Karim al-Jili (d. 826 AH.), who is a well-known follower of the school of Ion al-Arabi, has presented anthropomorphic interpretation of Ibn al-Araoi's viewpoints. Title of the book al-Insan al-Kami! fi Marifah al-AH'akhir wa'l Await indicates that, in the author's opinion, the perfect man is the beginning and the end of existence. AJ-Jili is in search for the perfect man in the level of Lordship, and even higher than that in the level of Identity of the Essence.
