

Relativism is treated as the epistemological pluralism. It is believed that its roots lie in the second half of modern times and a Kantian-Poperian commentary of development of science is led to such crisis, Feyerabend is called a heretic because he revealed that crisis. Pluralism is raised by the contextual thesis of human knowledge and experiences and its results in the field of knowledge, ethics, religion, and politics are a threat which leads to relativism and anarchism in the thought. In order to prevent and cure that calamity, different positions are taken among which one is the return to the traditional thought. The present research holds that methodological pluralism can prevent and cure reductionism
as well as relativism based on pluralism while retaining contextuality of knowledge. Methodological pluralism in two patterns of incorporative and dialectical studies can change pluralism from a threat into a chance and guarantee for universality of knowledge.
