

Abbad B. Solayman is one of Persian scholars who was educated in Mu 'tazili school in 3rd century AH. The most important charactistics of Mu'tazili school was its opposition to the Anthropomorphists
(Moshabbaha). Following Neoplatonic ideas, they believed In
transcendent God Who has no attribate. They saw God's attribates as His essence. In other words they believed in a God Who is not like to His creatures. He is wholly other. Abhad B. Solayman went beyond his Mu 'tazili colleages and believed in absolute transcendence. Inspired of ancient Greek philosophers, he believed in two dimensions in cosmos. The first dimension is related to before being in which there were things and quiddities without existence. Second dimension was after creation one. in which God created this cosmos. the cosmos of creation. God has
no relation, even cognitive relationship, with the second dimension of
So Abbad wants to reject any relation of God with this cosmos and deny His likeness to it. He holds that God is wholly other. His belief has different consequences. One of them is that he believe in eternality of cosmos, and this makes him to be a philosopher in place a theologoan
