تأثیر کلام حضرت علی (ع) در الادب الصغیر و الادب الکبیر


استادیار دانشگاه رازی کرمانشاه


The researchers believe that al-Adab al–Saghir and al-Adab al-Kabir are Pahlavi translators of Iranian advices, where fifteen anonymous statements appear which are in Nahj-albalaghah. Besides, both books contain a lot of precious themes of Nahj Albalaghah which, like veins of gold, are hidden in their different layers . The use of Ali’ s anonymous words in these two books caused editors, following Ebne Moghafa, to make mistakes by assigning some of Ali’s statements to Iranian scholars. This essay asserts that Ebne Moghafa had been influenced by Imam Ali’s thought. If Ebne Moghafa’s texts became a guide for Arab writers, and received by them warmly, it was due to his being the Abjad reader of Ali’s thought.
